Dario Spini is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Lausanne and Director of NCCR LIVES.
Eric D. Widmer is Professor of Sociology at the University of Geneva and co-director of NCCR LIVES.
3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Dario Spini
Dario Spini & Guy Elcheroth: War, Community, and Social Change
Collective experiences in the former Yugoslavia documents and analyses how social representations and practices are shaped by collective violence in a context of ethnic discourse. What are the effect …
Paolo Ghisletta & Jean-Marie Le Goff: Towards an Interdisciplinary Perspective on the Life Course
Despite the well-established consensus on the need for an interdisciplinary research paradigm to understand the unfolding of human lives within their social context, existing empirical research rarel …
Dario Spini & Eric Widmer: Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life
This open access interdisciplinary book integrates the major findings and theoretical advances of a 12-year research program run by the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES research …