مؤلف: David W. Howell


3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة David W. Howell

Janis L. Boettinger & David W. Howell: Digital Soil Mapping
Digital Soil Mapping is the creation and the population of a geographically referenced soil database. It is generated at a given resolution by using field and laboratory observation methods coupled w …
David W. Howell: Land and People in Nineteenth-Century Wales
First published in 1977. Essentially an economic history with strong emphasis on human factors, this title examines the reasons for the backwardness of much of the farming of Wales and discusses in d …
David W. Howell: Land and People in Nineteenth-Century Wales
First published in 1977. Essentially an economic history with strong emphasis on human factors, this title examines the reasons for the backwardness of much of the farming of Wales and discusses in d …