مؤلف: Dina Vaiou

Irini Micha is Senior Lecturer at the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Her research and publications focus on urban security policies, theories of public space and mass culture, urban representations and children?s geographies. Dina Vaiou is Professor Emeritus of Urban Analysis and Gender Studies in the Urban and Regional Planning Department at the National Technical University of Athens. Her research and publications focus on the feminist critique of urban analysis, informal work and practices and a theoretical perspective through the everyday.

3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Dina Vaiou

Irini Micha & Dina Vaiou: Alternative Takes to the City
Alternative Takes to the City presents the mosaic of relations and socio-spatial conditions which compose the plurality of contemporary everyday space(s) in cities, offering ‘a view from below’. It p …
Irini Micha & Dina Vaiou: Alternative Takes to the City
Alternative Takes to the City presents the mosaic of relations and socio-spatial conditions which compose the plurality of contemporary everyday space(s) in cities, offering ‘a view from below’. It p …
Irene Micha & Dina Vaiou: La ville autrement
Cet ouvrage rassemble des approches de la ville qui visent a reveler la mosaique des relations et des situations socio-spatiales composant la pluralite de l’espace dans les villes de l’Europe du Sud. …