مؤلف: Donato Morea

Federica Rosso graduated cum laude in Building and Architectural Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome. She completed her doctoral studies in Architectural and Urban Engineering in the same University (2017), where she is currently a research fellow. She is a visiting research scholar at New York University Tandon School of Engineering (2014–2015). Her research deals with construction elements design for the built environment, passive strategies to improve buildings’ energy performance,  passive strategies to improve outdoor thermal comfort in urban areas, urban resiliency. On these topics, she published numerous scientific papers and participated to national and international conferences. Donato Morea, Ph.D. in Business Engineering, is a professor (Assistant) of Business and Management Engineering at University of Cagliari (Italy) and an adjunct professor at University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy) and Sapienza University (Rome, Italy). He is the head and a member of international and national research groups. He is in the Editorial Board of international scientific journals indexed Scopus and Web of Science. His main research interests are in the areas of sustainability and innovation. He has been the speaker at many international scientific conferences. His papers have appeared in prestigious international scientific refereed journals and have been published in proceedings of international conferences, indexed Scopus, and Web of Science. Didit Okta Pribadi completed his Ph.D. at the Chair of Strategic Landscape Planning and Management—Technische Universität München. He is a researcher at the Research Center for Plant Conservation and Botanic Gardens—National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and a research fellow at the Center for Regional System Analysis, Planning, and Development, Bogor Agricultural University (P4W-IPB University).  He is also a lecturer at the IPB Universityin the study program of Regional Planning Science and Rural and Regional Planning. He has become a member of reviewer board in LAND–MDPI Journal, and an associate editor in Frontiers in Sustainable Cities Journal. His interest includes landscape planning and management, ecosystem services, regional planning and development, and spatial analysis and modeling.  He wrote papers focusing on urban landscape, urban agriculture, urban green spaces, urban ecosystem services, as well as urban–rural planning and development to support sustainability which were published in highly ranking journals such as Land Use Policy, Sustainable Cities and Society, Ecological Indicators, Cities, etc. 

1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Donato Morea

Federica Rosso & Donato Morea: Innovations in Green Urbanization and Alternative Renewable Energy
This book thoroughly examines the aims of green urbanism, providing a perspective to help responding to the growing environmental challenges posed by the enormous increase in human needs. The book gi …