مؤلف: Dr. Irena Ateljevic

Dr Irena Ateljevic is based within the Socio-Spatial Analysis Group at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. She is the co-editor of recent books on critical tourism including: Ateljevic, I. Morgan, N. and Pritchard, A. (2007) The Critical Turn in Tourism Studies: Exploring Innovative Methodologies (Elsevier Advanced Series); and Pritchard, A. Morgan, N. Ateljevic, I. and Harris, C. (2007) Tourism, Gender and Embodiment (CAB International). Her most recent research interest lies in analysing the political implications and powers surrounding the production of academic knowledge.

1 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Dr. Irena Ateljevic

Kevin Hannam & Irena Ateljevic: Backpacker Tourism
The search for new tourism experiences as well as changes in the tourism industry itself has led to new forms of individualised travel and consequentially new forms of backpacker tourism. This volume …