4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Dr Jules Stewart
Jules Stewart: Crimson Snow
In the mid-nineteenth century, the British and Russian Empires played the ‘Great Game, ‘ a rivalry for supremacy in Central Asia. To secure a ‘buffer zone’ in Afghanistan, between India and Russian t …
Jules Stewart: The Khyber Rifles
Recruited from the Pathan tribes that live in the no-mans land between Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Khyber Rifles fought for the British Raj against their own kith and kin. Jules Stewart tells the s …
Jules Stewart: Spying for the Raj
In the 1860s, Captain Thomas Montgomerie trained natives to be surveyors, and had them explore the region covertly. These men, known as pundits, were disguised as lamas (holy men). This book talks ab …
Jules Stewart: The Savage Border
For centuries, Pakistan's North West Frontier has been seen as a lawless wilderness, which more recently has given sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden and other fundamentalist Muslim leaders. This, the …