A beautiful fairy tale book for the whole family to enjoy and read together.
Where elves Come From is an Award-Winning Finalist in 2018 Readers’ Favorite and became an Amazon Best-Seller with many copies sold all over the world.
The book helps children of all ages cope with the loss of a loved one. It encourages and teaches kids to use their imaginations, and helps parents explain sensitive topics to their children.
With this book, we try to bring a modern twist to the old style of fairy tales when stories had nice, and important morals to learn from. It has many great positive, and self-affirming messages.
Beautifully illustrated, the book, as though written by Santa himself, brings up important fundamental morals for parents to start conversations with their child. In the book we provide easy tools and ideas to teach kids about setting goals, gratitude, always looking for the positive side of things, to have a happy, loving life through strong family bonds, etc. Additionally, the book is divided into 16 chapters, perfect for bedtime stories, and most episodes have one of our favorite bedtime prayers to enjoy together.
This book is also beneficial in confronting sensitive subjects like illness and death, and we all know how curious kids can be about these types of topics. We have a sweet spot in our hearts for kids with cancer, and with our story, we would like to support them by writing this book in a way to make a legend for them, and in a way that our young ones can relate too.
Our story is a heartwarming children’s chapter book that expands on two girls whose friendship forms when the two meet on a playground, and then blossoms as their single parents fall in love and get married. However, their faith is tested when the oldest girl is stricken with cancer, allowing the family to embark on adventures and make long-lasting memories before it is too late. The family will make you laugh and will make you cry, but most of all, they will make you feel good inside for all the small things we should enjoy in life.
With this story, we also encourage kids to use their imagination and their thoughts in a way that can help them find answers to their problems. We have adventures, talking dogs, a magical Christmas Tree, a magic bell and of course a beautiful angel. In the end, as the mystery of where elves come from is revealed, we hope that they will also believe in the power of a little magic! This is probably the most important lesson for kids; to “believe.” If they believe in themselves, they will see that they can have and do anything they want.
Our Mission:
Our mission with this book is to give young children a positive base from which to have a meaningful life. We can determine our kid’s future by helping them evolve through the use of their imagination and creativity. From an early age, we can help children to be compassionate for others, have self-confidence, be enthusiastic, have the courage to act on their beliefs and to succeed in their lives in every way so that they may have a happy, joyful life.
We also want to have this book as a dedication to children with cancer for their spirit and no quit attitudes. We want to make them known and unforgettable, and we want to give them a little hope until someone comes up with the cure to save them all!
Perhaps, along the way, we will also create a legend for Santa’s Elves?
قائمة المحتويات
Chapter 1 — The Big Red One — Setting Goals
Chapter 2 — Sharing Their First Secret — Importance of Trust
Chapter 3 — Going for the First Blood Tests — Getting Over Your Fears
Chapter 4 — The Magic Christmas Bell — Wishing Good Upon Others
Chapter 5 — A Very Interesting Dream — Have Faith and Never Stop Believing in Your Dreams
Chapter 6 — The Big Surprise — The Importance of Strong Family Bonds
Chapter 7 — The First Plane Ride — Do not be Afraid of the Unknown
Chapter 8 — Visiting the Magic Kingdom — Enjoy the Happiness That Comes From Trying New Experiences
Chapter 9 — Visiting Sea World — The Importance of Being Kind to All Creatures
Chapter 10 — Reaching the Top — Always Keep Trying and Never Give Up
Chapter 11 — First Time in the Hospital — Finding the Good Even in Bad Situations
Chapter 12 — Visit from an Angel — There is Always Someone Looking Out for Us
Chapter 13 — An Early Christmas Dinner — Never Miss the Opportunity to Share Love
Chapter 14 — Life Changing Moment — Keeping a Positive Attitude
Chapter 15 — The Magic Christmas Tree — We Can Find Magic in Everything
Chapter 16 — The Magical Ending — Never Stop Believing
عن المؤلف
Santa was born a long, long time ago, really nobody knows how long ago. He was born in the North Pole, and he never left. But one night a year he travels North to South and East to West, And then back to home, where it’s always the best.
His father’s name is Father Christmas, and he is the one who brought us Christmas. Like all beautiful Christmas trees are green, the robe he is wearing is also green. His Mother’s name is Mother Snow; She is the one, who dresses the winter in a beautiful big blanket of snow.
Santa has a big heart, and he gives to everybody all that he can. He leaves us all the presents we like because he knows us all so well. Once morning arrives, it takes us no time to unwrap all our gifts very fast. But I’m sure you are all familiar with this story from your years past.
Of course, Santa went to school like every one of you. You can probably easily guess what his favorite subject was. It was geography in which he excelled and did so well. He knows all the countries on the map, without the use of Google map.
Santa also has a sweet tooth, That is why he cannot say no to your goody, especially your Christmas cookie. But when you see him, don’t you dare call him jelly-belly, Just because of his big belly!
Santa likes every animal, and every little creature he can talk to. Perhaps that is why some of you believe that your precious pets went to the North Pole. And magically became an elf after they passed, but deep down you all know it is not true!
So how can your beloved pets end up in the North Pole? It is a funny story, let me tell you:
Heaven and the North Pole are ever so close, and that is how Santa can quickly go through. While he is crunching on his cookies, big sweet crumbs are falling to the floor. That is how your beloved pets can find their way from Heaven to the North Pole. And of course, Santa can’t say no to them, he is always happy to see them.
Now there is only one secret left to tell, and that is, who are those little elves. Where do they come from, and where do they go?