Essays examining both the theory and practice of medieval translation.
Engaging and informative to read, challenging in its assertions, and provocative in the best way, inviting the reader to sift, correlate and reflect on the broader applicability of points made in reference to a specific text orexchange. Professor Carolyne P. Collette, Mount Holyoke College.
Medieval notions of
translatio raise issues that have since been debated in contemporary translation studies concerning the translator’s role asinterpreter or author; the ability of translation to reinforce or unsettle linguistic or political dominance; and translation’s capacity for establishing cultural contact, or participating in cultural appropriation or effacement.This collection puts these ethical and political issues centre stage, asking whether questions currently being posed by theorists of translation need rethinking or revising when brought into dialogue with medieval examples. Contributors explore translation – as a practice, a necessity, an impossibility and a multi-media form – through multiple perspectives on language, theory, dissemination and cultural transmission. Exploring texts, authors, languages and genres not often brought together in a single volume, individual essays focus on topics such as the politics of multilingualism, the role of translation in conflict situations, the translator’s invisibility, hospitality, untranslatability and the limits of translation as a category.
EMMA CAMPBELL is Associate Professor in French at the University of Warwick; ROBERT MILLS is Lecturer in History of Art at University College London. Contributors: William Burgwinkle, Ardis Butterfield, Emma Campbell, Marilynn Desmond, Simon Gaunt, Jane Gilbert, Miranda Griffin, Noah D. Guynn, Catherine Léglu, Robert Mills, Zrinka Stahuljak, Luke Sunderland
قائمة المحتويات
Introduction: Rethinking Medieval Translation – Emma Campbell and
On Not Knowing Greek: Leonzio Pilatus’s Rendition of the
Iliad and the
Translatio of Mediterranean Identities – Marilynn Desmond
Translation and Transformation in the
Ovide moralisé – Miranda Griffin
Translating Lucretia: Word, Image and ‘Ethical Non-Indifference’ in Simon de Hesdin’s Translation of Valerius Maximus’s
Facta et dicta memorabilia – Catherine Léglu
Translating Catharsis: Aristotle and Averroës, the Scholastics and the Basochiens – Noah D. Guynn
The Ethics of
Translatio in Rutebeuf’s
Miracle de Théophile – Emma Campbell
Invisible Translation, Language Difference and the Scandal of Becket’s Mother –
Medieval Fixers: Politics of Interpreting in Western Historiography – Zrinka Stahuljak
The Task of the
Dérimeur: Benjamin and Translation into Prose in Fifteenth-Century French Literature – Jane Gilbert
The Translator as Interpretant: Passing in/on the Work of Ramon Llull – William Burgwinkle
Rough Translation: Charles d’Orléans, Lydgate and Hoccleve – Ardis Butterfield
Bueve d’Hantone/Bovo d’Antona: Exile, Translation and the History of the
Chanson de geste – Luke Sunderland
Untranslatable: A Response – Simon Gaunt
عن المؤلف
NOAH D. GUYNN is Professor of French and Comparative Literature at the University of California, Davis.