Emmanuelle Peraldo is Senior Lecturer in British Eighteenth-Century Literature at the University Jean Moulin, Lyon 3 and member of the Institute for Transtextual and Transcultural Studies. Her current research focuses on the link between geography and literature in the early modern period, and more particularly in Daniel Defoe. Her PhD, obtained in 2008, focused on Defoe and the writing of History. Her most recent publications are an article co-written with a geographer (Yann Calbérac) “How to do narratives with maps? Cartography as a performative act in Gulliver”s Travels and Through the Looking-Glass” in Reconstructions (2015), and a translation in French of Defoe”s Caledonia (Honoré Champion, 2016).
2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Emmanuelle Peraldo
Emmanuelle Peraldo: Literature and Geography
In a period marked by the Spatial Turn, time is not the main category of analysis any longer. Space is. It is now considered as a central metaphor and topos in literature, and literary criticism has …
Emmanuelle Peraldo: 300 Years of Robinsonades
Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe (1719) has had an enduring and widespread impact, becoming a universal myth. This volume offers various approaches to the rewriting of the desert(ed) island myth of the …