Dans cette collection, les membres des AA racontent leur expérience du parrainage, y compris comment en choisir un, obtenir le courage de demander à quelqu’un d’être un parrain, partager leur passé et leur présent avec eux, travailler avec ceux qui ont du mal à rester sobres, gérer la perte d’un sponsor bien-aimé et plus encore. Dès les premiers jours du programme, ce lien de parrainage particulier a été considéré comme essentiel pour devenir sobre, rester connecté et vivre une vie heureuse et pleine. English Description
From Grapevine, the international journal of Alcoholics Anonymous, stories from AA members
In One on One, you’ll find sincere and uplifting stories from the contributors to Grapevine magazine about the joys and challenges of sponsorship, the many ways it takes shape, and how it’s considered to be vital to staying sober—and to live a happy life. Through trials and tribulations of everyday life, to times when one is facing what may seem like an insurmountable challenge, a sponsor and sponsee who meet as equals have a unique and powerful partnership.
A common thread that connects the letters and essays in this collection is the kindness, friendship and steadfast support that so many have found with their sponsor or sponsee—a helping hand when it was needed the most.
There is no right or wrong way to sponsor, only suggestions. Each AA sponsor and sponsee finds their own path.
عن المؤلف
AA Grapevine is the publisher of the International Journal of Alcoholics Anonymous. Its primary purpose is to carry the AA message to everyone interested in alcoholism through its magazines, websites, books audiobooks and related items.