An in-depth tutorial on how to use Java 2 Micro Edition to programhandheld devices Although Java is one of the most popular programming languages, itis too powerful to be used on wireless, handheld devices like the Palm Connected Organizer. A miniature version of Java, called Java2 Micro Edition, has now been created by Sun Microsystems to runspecifically on these devices. Written by software developer Eric Giguere, this book provides an authoritative treatment of this newlanguage. Readers will learn what has to be done to make Javaworkable on these devices and what strategies are required to writeprograms that don’t take up too much memory or run down thedevice’s batteries. The book also provides complete coverage of Java Micro Edition, including the profiles that define thecapabilities available to various devices.CD-ROM includes licensed versions of the Java 2 Micro Edition SDK, Waba, and Kaffe. Examples are provided that run on multiplewireless platforms.
قائمة المحتويات
Preface.Introduction.JAVA AND SMALL DEVICES.It Really Is a Small World After All.Java: Fat and Slow?Programming Strategies for Small Devices.JAVA 2 MICRO EDITION (J2ME) SPECIFICATIONS.Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME).Configurations.Profiles.JAVA 2 MICRO EDITION (J2ME) IMPLEMENTATIONS.The Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) Reference Implementation.Java for Palm Connected Organizers.The Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) Early Access Release.Java for Motorola Devices.Java for Black Berry Wireless Handhelds.Waba: An Alternative to Java.Final Thoughts.Appendix A: Tic-Tac-Toe Source Code.What’s on the CD-ROM?Index.
عن المؤلف
ERIC GIGUÈRE is a software developer for i Anywhere Solutions, a subsidiary of Sybase, where he works on Javatechnologies for handheld and wireless computing. He has writtenfor Dr. Dobb’s Journal and Software Development magazine and is theauthor of Palm Database Programming: The Complete Developer’s Guide(Wiley).