Eric S. Rovner, MDProfessor of Urology, Medical University of South Carolina, Department of Urology, Director, Section of Female Urology, Neurourology and Urodynamics, Charleston, SC, USA
Michelle E. Koski, MDKaiser Permanente Southern California, Department of Urology, San Marcos, CA, USA
4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Eric S. Rovner
Donna Caruso & Eric S. Rovner: Woman’s Guide to Regaining Bladder Control
Respected urologists, reassure women that incontinence can be controlled or cured and they can live without fear of having an accident in public. …
Eric S. Rovner & Michelle E. Koski: Rapid and Practical Interpretation of Urodynamics
This volume provides practitioners with a practical, easy to read, well organized approach to the performance and analysis of urodynamics in order to optimize their usage clinically. Chapters are str …
Diane K. Newman & Eric S. Rovner: Clinical Application of Urologic Catheters, Devices and Products
Designed to provide a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the use of urologic catheters and devices in clinical practice. Sections of the book have been structured to review the overa …
Lindsey Cox & Eric S. Rovner: Contemporary Pharmacotherapy of Overactive Bladder
This text provides a comprehensive, state-of-the art review of pharmacotherapy for the overactive bladder, and serve as a valuable resource forclinicians, surgeons, and researchers with an inter …