‘The authors introduce very valuable ideas and strategies with tips and guidelines that can make every grant proposal successful.’
—Joen Hendricks-Painter, Educational Consultant
‘There are helpful tips throughout the book. The documentation included was very useful, as was the comprehensive listing of sources and Internet sites.’
—Sharon Weber, Principal
Punxsutawney Area School District, PA
Find the money you need for research and programs that count!
Grantwriting can be frustrating and exasperating, or it can be a fulfilling part of the school funding process. In this fifth edition of their bestseller, nationally-recognized experts Ernest W. Brewer and Charles M. Achilles put their $150 million in grantwriting experience to work for all educators.
An in-depth resource with an easy-to-understand format, Finding Funding brings the reader up-to-date with 120 newly researched Web sites to help grant seekers be more efficient and effective at writing successful government, foundation, and private grants. The authors focus on four main phases of grantwriting and administration: exploring grants, writing proposals, implementing programs and managing acquired funds, and closing out funded projects. Their winning formula can help you surpass the competition by:
- Finding people and organizations with money
- Targeting proposals effectively
- Meeting the requirements of funding agencies to obtain the funding you need
This comprehensive guide offers educators and administrators proven ideas, resources, and valuable data to use in finding grant money for schools, community agencies, districts, or even classrooms!
قائمة المحتويات
List of Table
List of Figures
About the Authors
About the Contributors
Part I. Exploring the Grants World
1. Unraveling the Mystique in Grant Applications
2. How to Explore Grant Possibilities in Education
3. Using the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulation
4. Using the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)
5. Using the Internet to Access Funding Resources
6. The Hub of Federal Grants: Grants.gov
Part II. Writing Grant Proposals
7. What Are the Components of a Proposal?
8. Components of a Foundation Proposal
9. Writing a Federal Grant Proposal
10. Helpful Hints From Proposal Writing Professionals
11. Reviewing a Funded Proposal
12. Submitting a Grant Electronically
13. Understanding How Grants Are Awarded
14. The Players and Their Roles in the Process
Part III. Implementing, Operating, and Terminating a Project
15. Implementing a Funded Project
16. Understanding EDGAR and GPRA
17. Understanding Site Visits and Audits
18. Closing Out a Project
Resource A: Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations Examples
Resource B: Abbreviations
Resource C: State Points of Contact (SPOC)
Resource D: Glossary of Terms
عن المؤلف
Charles M. Achilles is Professor of Educational Leadership, College of Education, Eastern Michigan University (EMU). He received his doctorate in Educational Administration from the University of Rochester and worked briefly at the (former) U.S. Office of Education, for 21 years at the Bureau of Educational Research and Service, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, for 6 years at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro; and since 1994 at EMU.