Majella Kilkey is Reader in Social Policy at the University of Sheffield, UK. Her current research centers on migration and families.
Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck is Postdoctoral Researcher in the Gender Studies Department at the University of Frankfurt, Germany. Her research interests include migration, transnationalism, gender studies and care work.
5 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck
Majella Kilkey & Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck: Family Life in an Age of Migration and Mobility
In an age of migration and mobility many aspects of contemporary family life – from biological reproduction to marriage, from child-rearing to care of the elderly – take place against a backdrop of i …
Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck: Pendelmigration aus Oberschlesien
Das Konzept »transnationaler Räume« hat der Migrationssoziologie neue Impulse gegeben. Wenig Beachtung hingegen fand bisher die Pendelmigration deutsch-polnischer Doppelstaatler aus Oberschlesien – e …
Katrin Huxel & Juliane Karakayali: Postmigrantisch gelesen
»Postmigrantisch« steht für gesellschaftliche Zustände, die durch die Erfahrung der Migration strukturiert sind. Migration wird dabei als soziale Praxis verstanden, die politisch, medial und sozial k …
Brigitte Aulenbacher & Helma Lutz: Home Care for Sale
The world of senior care provision and care work is changing rapidly. Across Europe, brokering agencies for live-in care workers have become powerful players in reshaping welfare systems, transnation …
Brigitte Aulenbacher & Helma Lutz: Home Care for Sale
The world of senior care provision and care work is changing rapidly. Across Europe, brokering agencies for live-in care workers have become powerful players in reshaping welfare systems, transnation …