مؤلف: Feifang Hu

FEIFANG HU, Ph D, is Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Virginia. He is the recipient of numerous grants, honors, and awards. His research interests include biostatistics, applied probability and statistical inference, and resampling methods. He has authored over forty refereed articles. WILLIAM F. ROSENBERGER, Ph D, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Applied and Engineering Statistics at George Mason University. He received the Association of American Publishers” Professional/Scholarly Publishing Award in 2002 for his coauthored work, Randomization in Clinical Trials: Theory And Practice (Wiley). A Fellow of the American Statistical Association, he has authored over fifty refereed articles and edited two monographs.

2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Feifang Hu

Feifang Hu & William F. Rosenberger: The Theory of Response-Adaptive Randomization in Clinical Trials
Presents a firm mathematical basis for the use of response-adaptive randomization procedures in practice The Theory of Response-Adaptive Randomization in Clinical Trials is the result of the authors’ …
Zehua Chen & Jin-ting Zhang: ADVANCES IN STATISTICS
This book, which is split into two parts, is about Prof. Zhidong Bai’s life and his contributions to statistics and probability. The first part contains an interview with Zhidong Bai conducted by Dr …