مؤلف: Frank W. Schmidt

Frank W. Schmidt Pennsylvania State University. Robert E. Henderson Pennsylvania State University. Carl H. Wolgemuth Em 1994, Carl Wolgemuth se aposentou da Universidade Penn State, depois de passar trinta e um anos na faculdade. Ele serviu como o decano da Faculdade de Engenharia atuando no ano lectivo de 1991-1992. Antes disso, ele foi reitor adjunto de graduação onde teve contato no dia-a-dia com passado, presente e futuros estudantes de engenharia, bem como os professores que os ensinam. Através desses contatos, ele desenvolveu uma perspectiva única sobre os êxitos e deficiências do ensino da engenharia hoje.

6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Frank W. Schmidt

Franz Durst & Brian E. Launder: Turbulent Shear Flows 5
The first four symposia in the series on turbulent shear flows have been held alternately in the United States and Europe with the first and third being held at universities in eastern and western St …
Jean-Claude Andre & Jean Cousteix: Turbulent Shear Flows 6
Since the inaugural symposium at the Pennsylvania State University in 1977, the venues for the series of biennial symposia on turbulent shear flows have alternated between the USA and Europe. For the …
Franz Durst & Brian E. Launder: Turbulent Shear Flows 7
The Seventh Symposium was held on the campus of Stanford University with*a combination offacilities and weather which made it possible to add open-air poster sessions and coffee breaks to the program …
Franz Durst & Rainer Friedrich: Turbulent Shear Flows 8
This volume contains a selection of the papers presented at the Eighth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows held at the Technical University of Munich, 9-11 September 1991. The first of these biennial …
Franz Durst & Nobuhide Kasagi: Turbulent Shear Flows 9
The inaugural Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows was held at The Pennsylvania State University in 1977. Thereafter the locations for the biennial symposium have alternated between the USA and Europe. …
Frank W. Schmidt & Robert E. Henderson: Introdução às ciências térmicas
As ciências térmicas são formadas por conjunto de três disciplinas básicas: Termodinâmica, Mecânica dos fluidos e Transferência de calor. Essas disciplinas são normalmente fornecidas aos engenheirand …