مؤلف: Fumio Hiai

Fumio Hiai is an Emeritus Professor at the Graduate School of Information Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, whose research interests are operator theory, operator algebras and quantum probability. He published more than 95 papers and several books on various subjects of mathematics, including more than 20 papers on matrix analysis. His recent interest is also quantum information.

4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Fumio Hiai

Fumio Hiai & Denes Petz: Introduction to Matrix Analysis and Applications
Matrices can be studied in different ways. They are a linear algebraic structure and have a topological/analytical aspect (for example, the normed space of matrices) and they also carry an order stru …
Fumio Hiai: Semicircle Law, Free Random Variables and Entropy
The book treats free probability theory, which has been extensively developed since the early 1980s. The emphasis is put on entropy and the random matrix model approach. The volume is a unique presen …
Fumio Hiai & Hideki Kosaki: Means of Hilbert Space Operators
The monograph is devoted to a systematic study of means of Hilbert space operators by a unified method based on the theory of double integral transformations and Peller’s characterization of Schur mu …
Fumio Hiai: Quantum f-Divergences in von Neumann Algebras
Relative entropy has played a significant role in various fields of mathematics and physics as the quantum version of the Kullback–Leibler divergence in classical theory. Many variations of relative …