A revival of interest in morphology has occurred during recent years. The Yearbook of Morphology, published since 1988, has proven to be an eminent support for this upswing of morphological research, since it contains articles on topics which are central in the current theoretical debates which are frequently referred to.
In the Yearbook of Morphology 2004 a number of papers is devoted to the topic ‘morphology and linguistic typology’. These papers were presented at the Fourth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting in Catania, in September 2003. Within the context of this denominator, a number of issues are discussed wich bear upon universals and typology. These issues include: universals and diachrony, sign language, syncretism, periphrasis, etc.
قائمة المحتويات
Morphology and linguistic typology. Papers from the Fourth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting, Catania, 22–24 September 2003.- Morphological universals and diachrony.- Morphological universals and the sign language type.- Typology and the formal modelling of syncretism.- An inflectional approach to Hausa final vowel shortening.- Blocking and periphrasis in inflectional paradigms.- Morphological autonomy and diachrony.- Other articles.- A paradigm function account of ‘mesoclisis’ in European Portuguese.- Syncretism and iconicity in Icelandic noun declensions: a Distributed Morphology approach.- A constraint on interclass syncretism.- Discussion note.- Itelmen plural diminutives: A belated reply to Perlmutter 1988.- Book notices.- R. Harald Baayen and Robert Schreuder (eds.), Morphological Structure in Language Processing. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter, viii+521 pp. (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs 151)..- George Smith, Phonological Words and Derivation in German. Hildesheim: Olms, xiii, 236 p. ISBN 3-487-11939-0. Euro 29, 80. (Germanistische Linguistik Monographien, 13)..