Charts the rise and fall of the spin culture of the last two
Every decade has its own identity, key values and needs. The 1990s
were the age of spin, when the materialism of the 1980s, the desire
for instant communication and soundbite democracy came together in
the spin culture. This spread throughout society from business and
politics even to charities and the church. Somewhere in these
polished communications the message was lost.
In this fascinating and highly readable work George Pitcher tells
the story of the rise and fall of the spin culture, predicting its
final death in the early years of the twenty first century. He
examines methods of communication as a reflection of and within the
context of the values of society and the process of democracy,
before drawing on his considerable experience both as the giver and
receiver of spin, to examine how we can move beyond the age of
* A zeitgeist work that captures the quest for meaning in the
current age and a desire to progress beyond the heady days of spin
* Charts the history and rationale of spin throughout society from
the early days of Margaret Thatcher to the death of spin in the
hands of the masters of the spin culture.
* Interspersed with the author’s own diary entries as a journalist
covering major events of the past twenty years
* Discusses methods of communication, how they reflect the values
of the age and the relationship between business and politics
* Discusses the way ahead: how politicians, businesses and
institutions can communicate with the general population in the
post spin age.
* Author offers a unique perspective with insights both as the
giver and receiver of spin.
قائمة المحتويات
New Business.
New Communications.
عن المؤلف
George Pitcher was industrial editor of The Observer during the Tory privatisation years. He quit while he was ahead when he was voted National Newspaper Industrial Journalist of the Year in 1991and co-founded Luther Pendragon, a communications consultancy operating at the sharp-end of industry and politics, with broadcast-news journalist Charles Stewart-Smith. Over the past decade, his firm has advised senior executives of companies and institutions facing some of the most high-profile and controversial issues of the age and formed the team that advised the Government’s Cabinet Office project on the Millennium Bug. He continues to write regular business columns and commentaries and lives in London with his wife and four children.