6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Giuliano Valdes
Giuliano Valdes: The Land of Jesus
A journey to discover the places that saw the presence of Jesus. Among evocative landscapes, sacred buildings, splendid monuments and millenary traditions, a book full of historical information, news …
Pisa Editing Studio & Patrizia Fabbri: L’Isola delle Sirene. Capri
Un libro aggiornato e piacevole che conduce il lettore alla scoperta di Capri, la Perla del Tirreno, isola incantata circondata da un mare splendido, con suggestive scogliere, una natura selvaggia e …
Pisa Editing Studio & Patrizia Fabbri: The Mermaids’ Isle. Capri
An updated and pleasant book that leads the reader to discover Capri, the Pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea, an enchanted island surrounded by a splendid sea, with suggestive cliffs, wild nature and famous …
Rita Bianucci & Giovanna Magi: Israel
A unique book for a special land: detailed texts and beautiful images describe this small Country located between Africa, Asia and Europe and where the most sacred places for humanity are located. Bu …
Rita Bianucci & Giovanna Magi: Israele
Un libro unico per una terra speciale: testi dettagliati e belle immagini illustrano questo piccolo Paese posto tra Africa, Asia ed Europa e dove sorgono i luoghi più sacri per l’umanit& …
Rita Bianucci & Giovanna Magi: Jerusalem
Built more than five thousand years ago, halfway between East and West, Jerusalem has been and will always be one of the most fascinating cities in the world, with an exciting and rich history that h …