Patterns Over Time: A Research Summary: Screen Time and Healthy Development
The Message Is Clear
Patterns Over Time synthesizes over 200 studies (from the 1960s to the present day) on the impact of too much screen time on 15 aspects of child and adolescent development. Reading this book, parents and teachers can make choices for children and teens about technology with more ease and confidence, knowing their decisions align with best practices for healthy development. The amassed data and on-going trends give a clear and
persistent message:
To help children and teens reach their highest potential: Reduce Screen Time.
To grow healthy bodies and curious minds: Reduce Screen Time.
To give kids an advantage in school, sports, and artistic endeavors: Reduce Screen Time.
To strengthen a budding self-identity: Reduce Screen Time.
To cultivate wholesome peer interactions: Reduce Screen Time.
To nourish reverence for the natural world and wise discernment about technology: Reduce Screen Time.
Patterns Over Time shows in clear, practical ways what can be done to ensure that our children and teens grow optimally–sound in body, mind, and spirt And, at the same time become wise users of technology, supporting rather than stifling, their healthy development. If you are looking for ‘back-up’ for limiting screen time in your family, with the students you teach, or for the sake of your grandkids’ well-being, this book has you covered!
قائمة المحتويات
Introduction: Reasons to Reduce Screen Time 7
Chapter 1: Impact on Thinking and Learning 13
Decreased attention span 13
Underdeveloped or delayed language abilities and literacy skills 16
Underdeveloped or delayed critical thinking abilities 21
Underdeveloped imagination and creativity 26
Decreased intrinsic motivation for school learning 31
Charts and Explanations:
The Brain Process with Fast-Paced and Unmediated Screen Images 33
The Brain Process in a 3-D Self-Directed Activity 37
Chapter 2: Impact on Feelings and Behavior 39
Increased hyperactivity and impulsivity 39
Stimulus addiction 41
Increased aggression, fear, insensitivity, and appetite for violence 43
Underdeveloped or delayed social skills 45
Understanding of prejudice and bias 48
Charts and Explanations:
Spheres of Influence for a Child’s Growth 50
Spheres of Influence for a Child’s Growth with Mass Media’s Influences 51
Chapter 3: Impact on General Health and Well-Being 53
Obesity and other health concerns 53
Less sleep and more vision problems 56
Loneliness, depression and suicide 58
Developmentally inappropriate sexual activity and vulnerability to exploitation 59
Less personal agency and self-understanding 62
Charts and Explanations:
Impact of Media Images Without Adult Mediation 64
Impact of Media Images With Adult Mediation 65
A Final Word: Creating New Patterns Over Time . 67
References 69
About the Author 81
عن المؤلف
Gloria De Gaetano, M.Ed., is the founder and CEO of the Parent Coaching Institute (PCI) that provides Parent Coach Certification® for family support professionals as well as coaching services to parents and specialized programs to companies and organizations. An internationally acclaimed educator, author, and parent coach, Gloria has been a middle school and high school classroom teacher, an elementary reading specialist, and a school district administrator directing reading and language arts programs, K-8. She has taught at Seattle Pacific University and the University of Washington in teacher training and graduate programs. Her specialties and interests include family media/digital literacy. psycholinguistics and literacy development, personality and learning styles, intrinsic motivation, systems thinking applications, Appreciative Inquiry, and brain-compatible practices in teaching, learning, and parenting. Gloria is the mother of two adult sons and lives with her husband in Bellingham, WA, a poster city for the Pacific Northwest.