History.- Clinical features.- Pregnancy & infertility.- Venous thrombosis. – Migraine & stroke.- Movement disorders & seizures.- Neuro psychiatric aspects.- Spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, peripheral nerves.- The Heart.- The arteries.- Kidneys.- Skin.- The eye.- Ear, nose & throat.- Lungs.- Liver & gut.- Bones & joints.- Blood.- Catastrophic APS.- Diagnosis.- Treatment.- Aetiology – genetics vs. environment.- Links to other diseases.- The world map.
17 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Graham Hughes
Graham Hughes & Shirish Sangle: Hughes Syndrome: The Antiphospholipid Syndrome
Hughes Syndrome: The Antiphospholipid Syndrome, A Guide for Students provides an in-depth analysis into the main effects of Hughes Syndrome. In 1983, Dr Graham Hughes, and his team in London, describ …
Graham Hughes & Munther A Khamashta: Hughes Syndrome: Highways and Byways
Hughes Syndrome: Highways and Byways is a handy and easy-to-read guide to the main features of Hughes syndrome. There has been worldwide interest in this ‘new’ syndrome (first described in 1983). A c …
Graham Hughes: The London Lupus Centre, Book of Lupus: A Patients’ Guide
Lupus is an extremely common, potentially treatable, disease of the immune system. It affects approximately 1 in 1000 women and is more common than diseases such as multiple sclerosis and leukaemia. …
Graham Hughes: Understanding Hughes Syndrome
Along with AIDS, antiphospholipid syndrome was the major medical discovery of the late 20th century, so for many it is still deemed a ‘new’ disease. The discovery of ‘sticky blood’ (commonly known as …
Graham Hughes & Sirish Sangle: Clinician’s Manual on Lupus
Clinician’s Manual on Lupus is an expert overview of Lupus and related conditions that serves as an educational resource for medical students, physicians and other medical professionals with an inter …
Graham Hughes & Shirish Sangle: Sjögren’s Syndrome in Clinical Practice
Sjögren’s syndrome is now considered pivotal in the spectrum of auto-immune disorders. It presents in a variety of guises, including fatigue, aches and pains, food and other allergies and not surpris …
Graham Hughes: Hughes Syndrome
This second edition is a result from a worldwide surge of interest in antiphospholipid syndrome. This disease, also known as Hughes Syndrome, affects all organs of the body including the placenta, an …
Chris Fill & Graham Hughes: CIM Coursebook 08/09 Marketing Communications
‘Butterworth-Heinemann’s CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning outcomes of our new qualifications and should be useful aids in helping students understand the complexi …
Chris Fill & Graham Hughes: CIM Coursebook 08/09 Marketing Communications
‘Butterworth-Heinemann’s CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning outcomes of our new qualifications and should be useful aids in helping students understand the complexi …
Roy Drucker & Graham Hughes: Outsourcing in Clinical Drug Development
Sponsor companies and CROs alike will appreciate the industry-wide analysis, practical, how-to advice, and helpful charts and checklists provided by Outsourcing in Clinical Drug Development. A panel …
Graham Hughes: Hughes Syndrome
As with any delicate machine, the human body can be profoundly affected by its supply of vital running materials. Thus, the tendency for the blood to clot excessively has the potential to cut off the …
Graham Hughes: Tales of a Flying Doctor
Professor Graham Hughes is often known as "The Father of Lupus" in the United Kingdom. As well as his clinical and laboratory work in lupus, he taught generations of trainee doctors both at …
Graham Hughes: 50 Cities
50 Cities is a travel book with a difference. It follows the travels of Graham Hughes, professor of medicine and renowned expert in rheumatic diseases, notably Lupus. It shines a light not only on th …
Roy Drucker & Graham Hughes: Outsourcing in Clinical Drug Development
Sponsor companies and CROs alike will appreciate the industry-wide analysis, practical, how-to advice, and helpful charts and checklists provided by Outsourcing in Clinical Drug Development. A panel …