قائمة المحتويات
Chair’s Introduction (A. Caplan).
Tissue engineering of cartilage: do we need it, can we do it, is
it good and can we prove it? (L. Lohmander).
Embryonic developm...
قائمة المحتويات
Chair’s Introduction (A. Caplan).
Tissue engineering of cartilage: do we need it, can we do it, is
it good and can we prove it? (L. Lohmander).
Embryonic development and the principles of tissue engineering
(A. Caplan).
The fundamentals of tissue engineering: scaffolds and
bioreactors (G. Vunjak-Novakovic).
Tissue-engineered versus native cartilage: linkage between
cellular mechano-transduction and biomechanical properties (J. Lee,
et al.).
From the preclinical model to the patient (E. Hunziker).
Mesenchymal stem cell therapy in joint disease (F. Barry).
Differentiated chondrocytes for cartilage tissue engineering (J.
Huckle, et al.).
Mesenchymal stem cells and bioceramics: strategies to regenerate
the skeleton (H. Ohgushi, et al.).
Bone marrow stromal cells and their use in regenerating bone (R.
Cancedda, et al.).
Studying the effect of different macrostructures on in
vitro cell behaviour and in vivo bone formation using a
tissue engineering approach (R. Dekker, et al.).
General discussion I
Cartilage repair with chondrocytes: clinical and cellular
aspects (A. Lindahl, et al.).
Qualitative and quantitative in vivo assessment of
articular cartilage using magnetic resonance imaging (E. O’Byrne,
et al.).
Hyaluronan-based scaffolds (Hyalograft¯® C) in
the treatment of knee cartilage defects: preliminary clinical
findings (A. Pavesio, et al.).
Quantitative analysis of repair tissue biopsies following
chondrocyte implantation (A. Hollander, et al.).
General discussion II: Tissue engineering using recombinant
human BMP2.
Final discussion and summing-up.
Index of contributors.
Subject index.