مؤلف: H. K. Lee

Fernando Pacheco-Torgal is an investigator in the C-TAC Research Centre at the University of Minho. Authored more than 250 publications, 97 in Cross Ref, 88 papers in peer reviewed journals, 71 publications referenced in ISI Web of Knowledge-Wo K, 41 papers published in ISI-A1 journals, 29 chapters in international books. First author of 15 papers in ISI-A1 journals with a special mention. Six papers in the Top 25 Hottest articles of Science Direct, seven papers in the Top 5% most cited and two papers in the Top 10 most cited articles between 3428 published since 2008. Citations received in ISI Wo K-474 (h-index=12), citations received in Scopus-604 (h-index=14) and citations in Scholar Google-1291 (h-index=19). H-index prediction for the year 2017 using Körding´s algorithm (Wo K h-index=17, Scopus h-index=21). Awarded with the Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing by the Editor-in-Chief of the ISI journal Construction and Building Materials in 19 of June of 2014. Invited reviewer for 48 international journals. Since 2009 he was invited to review 131 SCI papers. Grant assessor for the Australian Research Council, the Foundation for Polish Science and the British Research Council. Lead Editor of 10 international books with more than 300 contributors from 44 countries. Some of these books are available in the libraries of Harvard University, Stanford University, MIT, University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, University of California-Berkeley, Princeton University, Cornell University, University of New York, University of Washington, Tsinghua University, ETH Zürich, Tech Univ. of München and Tech Univ. of Berlin.

3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة H. K. Lee

Fernando Pacheco Torgal & J. A. Labrincha: Biotechnologies and Biomimetics for Civil Engineering
Putting forward an innovative approach to solving current technological problems faced by human society, this book encompasses a holistic way of perceiving the potential of natural systems. Nature ha …
Kevin Y Chen & H.K. Lee: Mobile Computing Research and Applications
Mobile computing is a generic term describing one’s ability to use technology while moving, as opposed to portable computers, which are only practical for use while deployed in a stationary …
Virginia M. Armstrong & Carroll T Hart: Agricultural Labor in the United States
This book explores the possible economic implications of large shifts in the supply of foreign-born, hired farm labor that could result from substantial changes in U.S. immigration laws or policies. …