Michael Hüttler, Dr. phil., studied theatre, film and media studies as well as journalism and communication studies at Vienna University; he has been conducting research for the DON JUAN ARCHIV WIEN since 2001. From 2007 to 2010 he has been Director of DON JUAN ARCHIV WIEN and since 2011 he is Director of HOLLITZER Verlag.
Hans Ernst Weidinger, Gewerke, Dr. phil., studied law, classical languages, archeology, theatre studies and art history at Vienna University, and dance, voice and piano in Vienna and Prague. Since the 1970s he has dedicated himself to the history of Don Juan materials from its origins until the end of the eighteenth century. He founded the DON JUAN ARCHIV WIEN in the anniversary year 1987.
Both editors are conveners of the international symposia series “Ottoman Empire and European Theatre”, which has been held regularly since 2008 in Istanbul and Vienna and whose proceedings are published in the book series “Ottomania”.
20 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Hans Ernst Weidinger
Hans Ernst Weidinger: Erinnerung an der Schwelle
Ansprache anläßlich der Eröffnung des Gemeindezentrum Bad Deutsch-Altenburg in der Hollitzer-Villa. Darstellung der Geschichte der Familien Hollitzer, Wertanek und Weidinger sowie der Entwicklung der …
Hans Ernst Weidinger: Erinnerung an der Schwelle
Ansprache anläßlich der Eröffnung des Gemeindezentrum Bad Deutsch-Altenburg in der Hollitzer-Villa. Darstellung der Geschichte der Familien Hollitzer, Wertanek und Weidinger sowie der Entwicklung der …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre Vol. I
The first volume of the book series Ottoman Empire and European Theatre focuses on the period between 1756 and 1808, the era of W. A. Mozart (1756-1791) and Sultan Selim III (1761-1808). These histor …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre Vol. I
The first volume of the book series Ottoman Empire and European Theatre focuses on the period between 1756 and 1808, the era of W. A. Mozart (1756-1791) and Sultan Selim III (1761-1808). These histor …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre Vol. II
The Time of Joseph Haydn: From Sultan Mahmud I to Sultan Mahmud II (r.1730-1839), the second volume of Ottoman Empire and European Theatre, explores the relationship between Western playwrights, comp …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre Vol. II
The Time of Joseph Haydn: From Sultan Mahmud I to Sultan Mahmud II (r.1730-1839), the second volume of Ottoman Empire and European Theatre, explores the relationship between Western playwrights, comp …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre Vol. III
On 3 May 1810 George Gordon, Lord Byron, swam like the mythic Leander from Sestos on the European side of the Hellespont to Abydos on the Asian shore. The hero of his poem ‘Don Juan’ has lived in “fe …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre Vol. III
On 3 May 1810 George Gordon, Lord Byron, swam like the mythic Leander from Sestos on the European side of the Hellespont to Abydos on the Asian shore. The hero of his poem ‘Don Juan’ has lived in “fe …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre V
The book series ‘Ottomania’ researches cultural transfers between the Ottoman Empire and Europe, with the performing arts as its focus. The fifth volume of the sub-series Ottoman Empire and European …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre V
The book series ‘Ottomania’ researches cultural transfers between the Ottoman Empire and Europe, with the performing arts as its focus. The fifth volume of the sub-series Ottoman Empire and European …
Stefania Gitto & Kuno Trientbacher: L’Etruria fortunata
Il progetto’L’Etruria fortunata’ è il primo risultato di una cooperazione in corso tra enti di paesi diversi e con differenti nature istituzionali, per la creazione di un virtuoso circuito storico-mu …
Stefania Gitto & Kuno Trientbacher: L’Etruria fortunata
Il progetto’L’Etruria fortunata’ è il primo risultato di una cooperazione in corso tra enti di paesi diversi e con differenti nature istituzionali, per la creazione di un virtuoso circuito storico-mu …
Stefania Gitto & Hans Ernst Weidinger: ‘La clemenza di Tito’ di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart al Teatro romano di Fiesole
Da una coproduzione fra il Mozart Opern Institut , l’Università Mozarteum di Salisburgo e la Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Fondazione O.N.L.U.S. è nata la rappresentazione fiesolana de La clemenza di T …
Stefania Gitto & Hans Ernst Weidinger: ‘La clemenza di Tito’ di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart al Teatro romano di Fiesole
Da una coproduzione fra il Mozart Opern Institut , l’Università Mozarteum di Salisburgo e la Scuola di Musica di Fiesole Fondazione O.N.L.U.S. è nata la rappresentazione fiesolana de La clemenza di T …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre Vol. IV
The book series “Ottomania” researches cultural transfers between the Ottoman Empire and Europe, with the performing arts as its focus. In Ottoman Empire and European Theatre, vol. IV: Seraglios in T …
Michael Hüttler & Hans Ernst Weidinger: Ottoman Empire and European Theatre Vol. IV
The book series “Ottomania” researches cultural transfers between the Ottoman Empire and Europe, with the performing arts as its focus. In Ottoman Empire and European Theatre, vol. IV: Seraglios in T …
Agostino Borromeo & Pierantonio Piatti: Europa cristiana e Impero Ottomano
Il volume, offrendo ventuno contributi di Studiosi provenienti da dieci Paesi europei, affronta il tema dell’espansione e presenza dei Turchi Ottomani nell’Europa sud-orientale dal secolo XIV al XX. …
Hans Ernst Weidinger: Don Giovanni und die habsburgische Heiratspolitik
Hans Ernst Weidinger, Entrepreneur in alter Familientradition, Philanthrop und Mäzen, Sänger, Schauspieler, Dramaturg und Regisseur, Theater- und Kulturhistoriker. 1986 inszeniert er in Regensburg Do …
Reinhard Eisendle & Suna Suner: Culture and Diplomacy
Diplomats had multiple tasks: not only negotiating with the representatives of other states, but also mediating culture and knowledge, and not least elaborating reports on their observations of polit …
Reinhard Eisendle & Suna Suner: Culture and Diplomacy
Diplomats had multiple tasks: not only negotiating with the representatives of other states, but also mediating culture and knowledge, and not least elaborating reports on their observations of polit …