مؤلف: Harlow KC Carol Harlow Harlow KC


3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Harlow KC Carol Harlow Harlow KC

Emeritus Professor Carol Harlow Harlow KC & Professor Richard Rawlings: Process and Procedure in EU Administration
This book is about the administrative procedures of the European Union, which we see as the ”super glue” holding in place the sprawling structures of the EU governance system. The early chapters de …
Emeritus Professor Carol Harlow Harlow KC & Professor Richard Rawlings: Process and Procedure in EU Administration
This book is about the administrative procedures of the European Union, which we see as the ”super glue” holding in place the sprawling structures of the EU governance system. The early chapters de …
Emeritus Professor Carol Harlow Harlow KC & Linda Pearson: Administrative Law in a Changing State
This book of essays celebrates Mark Aronson”s contribution to administrative law. As joint author of the leading Australian text on judicial review of administrative action, Aronson”s work is well- …