مؤلف: Heidrun Elisabeth Mader

Heidrun E. Mader ist Professorin für Biblische Literatur und ihre Rezeption an der Universität Köln und Research Fellow an der Universität Stellenbosch.

6 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Heidrun Elisabeth Mader

Heidrun Elisabeth Mader: Montanistische Orakel und kirchliche Opposition
Ecstatic prophecy is characteristic of the prophetic movement (Montanism) that emerged in Christian circles in the second half of the second century. The so called Montanists spread and diversified q …
Ute E. Eisen & Heidrun Elisabeth Mader: Talking God in Society
Peter Lampe’s work has covered a wide range of fields, the common denominator being his interest in contextualizing belief systems. Mirroring his multifaced work, the authors pursue his interest from …
Ute E. Eisen & Heidrun Elisabeth Mader: Talking God in Society
Peter Lampe’s work has covered a wide range of fields, the common denominator being his interest in contextualizing belief systems. Mirroring his multifaced work, the authors pursue his interest from …
Alan H. Cadwallader: Colossae,  Colossians,  Philemon
The material culture of Colossae is here for the first time given as full a collation as possible to the present day. 38 inscriptions, 88 coins and 49 testimonia are brought together in the context o …
Hanna-Maria Mehring: Der ‘König’ und sein ‘Volk’
Hanna Mehring erforscht die Königsmotivik im Johannesevangelium und untersucht ihre Funktion im Gesamtkontext der johanneischen Jesus-Vita. Sie geht der Frage nach, ob und wie Jesus als idealer König …
Peter Lampe & Heidrun E. Mader: ‘Montanism’ in the Roman World
The early Christian movement known as ‘Montanism’ referred to itself as the ‘New Prophecy’. This collected volume, featuring contributions from the first-ever symposium on the New Prophecy, examines …