Over the course of his distinguished career, Claude Viterbo has made a number of groundbreaking contributions in the development of symplectic geometry/topology and Hamiltonian dynamics. The chapters in this volume – compiled on the occasion of his 60th birthday – are written by distinguished mathematicians and pay tribute to his many significant and lasting achievements.
قائمة المحتويات
Helmut Hofer, Alberto Abbondandolo, Urs Frauenfelder, Felix Schlenk, Dedication.- Peter Albers, Serge Tabachnikov, Symplectically convex and symplectically star-shaped curves: A variational problem.- Marcelo R. R. Alves, Lucas Dahinden, Matthias Meiwes, Louis Merlin, C^0-robustness of topological entropy for geodesic flows.- Luca Asselle, Marco Fenucci, Alessandro Portaluri, Bifurcations of balanced configurations for the Newtonian n-body problem in R^4.- Gabriele Benedetti, Jungskoo Kang, Relative Hofer–Zehnder capacity and positive symplectic homology.- Lev Buhovsky, Vincent Humilière, Sobhan Seyfaddini, An Arnold-type prinicple for non-smooth objects.- Lev Buhovsky, Emmanuel Opshtein, Quantitative h-principle in symplectic geometry.- Franco Cardin, On symplectomorphisms and Hamiltonian Flows.- Roger Casals, Lagrangian skeleta and plane curve singularities.- Baptiste Chantraine, Reeb chords of Lagrangian Slices.- Marc Chaperon, Basic facts and naïve questions.- Erman Çineli, Viktor L. Ginzburg, Başak Z. Gürel, Another look at the Hofer-Zehnder conjecture.- Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner, Richard Hind, Kyler Siegel, Higher symplectic capacities and the stabilized embedding problem for integral elllipsoids.- Guido de Philippis, Michele Marini, Marco Mazzucchelli, Stefan Suhr, Closed geodesics on reversible Finsler 2-spheres.- Michael Entov, Leonid Polterovich, Legendrian persistance modules and dynamics.- Jonathan David Evans, A Lagrangian Klein bottle you can’t squeeze.- Kenji Fukaya, Yong-Geun Oh, Hiroshi Ohta, Kaoru Ono, Construction of a linear K-system in Hamiltonian Floer theory.- Hansjörg Geiges, What does a vector field know about volume?- Paolo Ghiggini, Klaus Niederkrüger-Eid, On the symplectic fillings of standard real projective spaces.- Alexey Glutsyuk, On curves with the Poritsky property.- Jean Gutt, Michael Hutchings, Vinicius G. B. Ramos, Examples around the strong Viterbo conjecture.- Umberto L. Hryniewicz, Pedro A. S. Salomão, Richard Siefring, Globalsurfaces of section with positive genus for dynamically convex Reeb flows.- Michael Hutchings, ECH capacities and the Ruelle invariant.- Kei Ire, Capacities of billiard tables and S^1-equivariant loop space homology.- Joontae Kim, Seongchan Kim, Myeonggi Kwon, Remarks on the systoles of symmetric convex hypersurfaces and symplectic capacities.- Myeonggi Kwon, Kevin Wiegand, Kai Zehmisch, Diffeomorphism type via aperiodicity in Reeb dynamics.- Patrice Le Calvez, Conservative surface homeomorphisms with finitely many periodic points.- Frédéric Le Roux, Sobhan Seyfaddini, The Anosov–Katok method and pseudo-rotations in symplectic dynamics.- Agustin Moreno, Contact geometry in the restricted three-body problem: a survey.- Agustin Moreno, Otto van Koert, A generalized Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem.- Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell, Families of Legendrians and Lagrangians with unbounded spectral norm.- Paul Seidel, Nicholas Wilkins, Covariant constancy of quantum Steenrod operations.- Vivek Shende, An algebraic approach to the algebraic Weinstein conjecture.- Matthew Strom Borman, Nick Sheridan, Umut Varolgunes, Quantum cohomology as a deformation of symplectic cohomology.- Fabian Ziltener, A symplectic embedding of the cube with minimal sections and a question by Schlenk.