3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Herbert George Wellls
Herbert George Wellls: The Time Machine
The book's protagonist is a Victorian English scientist and gentleman inventor living in Richmond, Surrey, and identified by a narrator simply as the Time Traveller. The narrator recounts the Tra …
Herbert George Wellls & H.G. Wells: La guerra nell’aria
Il protagonista, Bert, è un giovane inglese con la passione per le nuove tecnologie. L’epoca descritta è un inizio secolo lanciato alla conquista del segreto del volo ma, almeno apparenteme …
Herbert George Wellls: The World Set Free
The history of mankind is the history of the attainment of external power. Man is the tool-using, fire-making animal. From the outset of his terrestrial career we find him supplementing the natural s …