Controlling Chaos achieves three goals: the suppression, synchronisation and generation of chaos, each of which is the focus of a separate part of the book. The text deals with the well-known Lorenz, Rössler and Hénon attractors and the Chua circuit and with less celebrated novel systems. Modelling of chaos is accomplished using difference equations and ordinary and time-delayed differential equations. The methods directed at controlling chaos benefit from the influence of advanced nonlinear control theory: inverse optimal control is used for stabilization; exact linearization for synchronization; and impulsive control for chaotification. Notably, a fusion of chaos and fuzzy systems theories is employed. Time-delayed systems are also studied. The results presented are general for a broad class of chaotic systems.
This monograph is self-contained with introductory material providing a review of the history of chaos control and the necessary mathematical preliminaries for working with dynamical systems.
قائمة المحتويات
Overview.- Preliminaries of Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos.- Entrainment and Migration Control of Chaotic Systems.- Feedback Control of Chaotic Systems.- Synchronizing Chaotic Systems Based on Feedback Control.- Synchronizing Chaotic Systems via Impulsive Control.- Synchronization of Chaotic Systems with Time Delay.- Synchronizing Chaotic Systems Based on Fuzzy Models.- Chaotification of Nonchaotic Systems.