HUGO TSCHIRKY is Professor em. of Technology Management in the Department of Management, Technology, and Economics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Switzerland.
CORNELIUS HERSTATT is Professor at the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at the Hamburg University of Technology, Germany.
DAVID PROBERT is Reader in Technology Management at the Centre for Technology Management, University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing, UK.
HANS-GEORG GEMUENDEN is Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the Technische Universität (TU), Berlin, Germany.
MASSIMO G. COLOMBO is Professor of the Economics of Technical Change in the School of Management at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
THOMAS DURAND is Professor of Business Strategy at École Centrale Paris, France.
PETRA C. DE WEERD-NEDERHOF is Professor at the School of Management and Governance at the University of Twente, The Netherlands.
TIM SCHWEISFURTH is Senior Researcher at the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at the Hamburg University of Technology, Germany.
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