Tamás Kiss is Research Fellow, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Romania.
István Gergő Székely is Research Fellow, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Romania.
Tibor Toró is Assistant Professor at Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania and Researcher at the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Romania.
Nándor Bárdi is Head of Research Department and Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary.
István Horváth is President, Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Romania.
4 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة István Horváth
Tamás Kiss & István Gergő Székely: Unequal Accommodation of Minority Rights
This book provides an in-depth multidisciplinary analysis of the major social and political processes affecting Hungarians in Romania after the overthrow of the Communist regime in 1989. The vol …
Mark Crocker: Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass to Liquid Fuels and Chemicals
There is increasing recognition that low-cost, high capacity processes for the conversion of biomass into fuels and chemicals are essential for expanding the utilization of carbon neutral processes, …
Ildikó Koreny & István Horváth: Lúzerparádé
‘Nem lehet megoldani problémákat ugyanazzal a gondolkodásmóddal, amivel csináltuk őket.’ Albert Einstein Életünkben csak akkor tudunk gyökeres, pozitív változást előidézni, ha tisztában vagyunk azzal …