Her eyes shut, and her hand went limp in mine. She was gone. I looked at the place to which her eyes had been directed but could see nothing. Tears ran down my cheeks as I stood there in the quiet, dimly lit room. Then I realized I was standing on hallowed ground because the Lord had just been in the room. I wanted so badly for her to open her eyes one more time and tell me what he looked like, but she was gone. She was now healed and at the right hand of the Lord in heaven. I kissed her on the cheek and whispered goodbye. Then for the first time, I thanked God for this job. I finally understood what my purpose was. I had just walked my first patient to the edge of heaven and handed her off to the Lord. I did not know it at the time, but God had only just begun to show me what he wanted me to learn from this journey.
عن المؤلف
Jan was frightened of death and confused about heaven at a very young age. No matter who she asked, the answer was never acceptable. Being a Christian she felt an empty fear in her heart when she thought about death, she needed answers. So, she prayed. When she became a nurse, death was a normal part of the job at times, and this became very difficult. She prayed for God to please take her fear of death, and her confusion of heaven away so she could be more help to her patients, whom she dearly loved. After a couple of years and obviously the work of the Lord, Jan was put into a position where she needed to take the hospice job. She assured them that she would not be there long because she had a fear of death. The boss assured Jan they had chosen the right person for the job. What Jan didn’t know was this was the answer to her prayers she had been praying for years. What God was about to show her was going to change her life forever. She stayed there for eleven years. She is no longer scared of death or dying, and is not confused about heaven. Actually, sitting with one of her dying patients is where she finds the most comfort, and right there on hallowed ground is where she feels the closest to the Lord.