مؤلف: J Krishnamurti

JIDDU KRISHNAMURTI (18951986) is regarded internationally as one of the great educators and philosophers of our time. Born in South India, he was educated in England, and traveled the world, giving public talks, holding dia logues, writing, and founding schools until the end of his life at the age of ninety. He claimed allegiance to no caste, nationality, or religion and was bound by no tradition. Time magazine named Krishnamurti, along with Mother Teresa, “one of the five saints of the 20th century, ” and the Dalai Lama calls Krishnamurti “one of the greatest thinkers of the age.” His teachings are published in 75 books, 700 audiocas settes, and 1200 videocassettes. Thus far, over 4, 000, 000 copies of his books have been sold in over thirty languages. The rejection of all spiritual and psychological authority, including his own, is a fundamental theme. He said human beings have to free themselves of fear, conditioning, authority, and dogma through selfknowledge. He suggested that this will bring about order and real psychological change. Our violent, conflictridden world cannot be transformed into a life of goodness, love, and compassion by any political, social, or economic strategies. It can be transformed only through mutation in individuals brought about through their own observation without any guru or organized religion. Krishnamurti’s stature as an original philosopher attracted traditional and also creative people from all walks of life. Heads of state, eminent scientists, prominent leaders of the United Nations and various religious organizations, psychiatrists and psychologists, and university professors all engaged in dialogue with Krishnamurti. Students, teachers, and millions of people from all walks of life read his books and came to hear him speak. He bridged science and reli gion without the use of jargon, so scientists and lay people alike could understand his discussions of time, thought, insight, and death. During his lifetime, Krishnamurti established foundations in the United States, India, England, Canada, and Spain. Their defined role is the preservation and dissemination of the teachings, but without any authority to interpret or deify the teachings or the person. Krishnamurti also founded schools in India, England, and the United States. He envisioned that education should emphasize the understanding of the whole human being, mind and heart, not the mere acquisition of academic and intellectual skills. Education must be for learning skills in the art of living, not only the technology to make a living. Krishnamurti said, “Surely a school is a place where one learns about the totality, the wholeness of life. Academic excellence is absolutely necessary, but a school includes much more than that. It is a place where both the teacher and the taught explore, not only the outer world, the world of knowledge, but also their own thinking, their behavior.” He said of his work, “There is no belief demanded or asked, there are no followers, there are no cults, there is no persuasion of any kind, in any direction, and therefore only then we can meet on the same platform, on the same ground, at the same level. Then we can together observe the extraor dinary phenomena of human existence.”

37 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة J Krishnamurti

J Krishnamurti: The Mirror of Relationship , Love , Sex , and Chastity
Krishnamurti stressed that relationship is the mirror in which we see ourselves as we are. ‘Topics discussed include the nature of image-making, pleasure and desire, sex, chastity, marriage, and love …
J Krishnamurti: Individual and Society: The Bondage of Conditioning
In this incredibly penetrating talk, Krishnamurti describes the psychological pressures of life and how these pressures affect right living: We were saying that any form of pressure on the brain affe …
J Krishnamurti: The Open Door
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was a independent spiritual writing many books such as Krishnamurti Reader: No. 1, You are the World, Commentaries on living; First series, from the notebooks of J. Kri …
J Krishnamurti: The Years of Fulfilment
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was an independent spiritual teacher for the rest of his life, writing many books such as Krishnamurti Reader: No. 1, You are the World, Commentaries on living;: First …
J. Krishnamurti: The Years of Awakening
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was an independent spiritual teacher for the rest of his life, writing many books such as Krishnamurti Reader: No. 1, You are the World, Commentaries on living;: First …
J Krishnamurti: Unconditioning and Education
This book is the penultimate volume in a series that presents a collection of dialogues in which renowned educator and religious teacher J. Krishnamurti explores with parents and teachers the need fo …
J Krishnamurti: Unconditioning and Education 2
This book is the second and last volume in a series that presents a collection of dialogues in which renowned educator and religious teacher J. Krishnamurti explores with parents and teachers the nee …
J. Krishnamurti: Krishnamurtis Notebook
When Krishnamurti’s Notebook first became available in 1976, it was soon realized that it was a spiritually unique document giving his perceptions and experiences and describing his states of conscio …
J Krishnamurti: A Light to Yourself
I n t h e s e t a l k s , g i v e n i n E u r o p e a n d I n d i a , K r i s h n a m u r t i g o e s i n t o t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f g o i n g i n t o p r o b l e m s o p e n l y , w i t h o u …
J Krishnamurti: A Psychological Revolution
The psychological revolution that Krishnamurti refers to is not only in the conscious mind, but also in the unconscious. He states, ‘This is one of our difficulties, perhaps our major difficulty: to …
J Krishnamurti: Crisis in Consciousness
Krishnamurti posits that if the politicians and scientists wanted to end starvation in the world it could be done—food, clothing, and shelter for everyone. ‘It could be done, but they are not going t …
J Krishnamurti: Insights Into Education
Insights into Education presents the educational philosophy of J. Krishnamurti in an easy to use, topic-based format. It is a practical handbook that comes alive when used as an introduction to group …
J Krishnamurti: Meeting Life
In this fascinating collection culled from teachings never before brought together in book form, Krishnamurti offers wise reflections and fresh perceptions on love, politics, society, death, self-cen …
J Krishnamurti: Perennial Questions
‘What is necessary is to examine unemotionally, not merely intellectually…the intellect doesn’t solve any problem; it can only invent a lot of ideas, theories. Nor can emotion dissipate the urgency …
J Krishnamurti: The Answer Is in the Problem
In these Talks, given in Europe, Ojai and India, Krishnamurti addresses the need to approach our life problems in a manner does not perpetuate fragmentation. ‘Though we have many problems, and each p …
J Krishnamurti: The Art of Listening
This comprehensive record of Krishnamurti’s teachings is an excellent, wide-ranging introduction to the great philosopher’s thought. With among others, Jacob Needleman, Alain Naude, and Swami Venkata …
J Krishnamurti: The Beauty of Death
‘Only in peace can a human being flower in goodness – not in war, not in violence, not in disorder, but only when there is a deep abiding peace. And to understand this whole phenomenon of hate, destr …
J Krishnamurti: The Dignity of Living
Is it possible to live without conflict? Perhaps this is a theoretical question, but it challenges the mind that is trained to accept conflict as a natural part of living. Ultimately, as Krishnamurti …
J Krishnamurti: The Mirror of Relationship
The answer to the question, ‘What are you Seeking?’, is simple: We want to find truth, God, everlasting peace. The real question, says Krishnamurti, is: ‘Why do you seek at all?’ Knowing conflict, re …
J Krishnamurti: The New Mind
In these Talks, given in India and Saanen, Krishnamurti speaks to the necessity for a new way of looking, thinking and being in the world. ‘What is the effect or value of an individual changing? How …
J Krishnamurti: What Are You Seeking ?
In these talks, given in Ojai and India, Krishnamurti discusses the nature of the observer. He states in the beginning, ‘to understand the confusion and misery that exist in ourselves, and in the wor …
J Krishnamurti: The Origin of Conflict
Until the end of his life at the age of ninety, Krishnamurti-the world teacher-traveled the world speaking as a private person. The rejection of all spiritual and psychological authority, including h …
J Krishnamurti: The World Within
In this series of commentaries J. Krishnamurti, one of the great thinkers of our time, touches upon many human problems-our hopes, our fears, our illusions, our beliefs, our prejudices-and in the sim …
J Krishnamurti: There is No Thinker Only Thought
In these talks given in New Delhi, Bombay, London, Saanen, Paris and Madras, Krishnamurti begins by defining what he means by the word discussion and what it means to go beyond thought. ‘I think, bef …
J Krishnamurti: Tradition and Creativity
Krishnamurti delivered these Talks at Rajghat – Banaras, on the banks of the river Ganga, during the month of December 1952, to boys and girls, of the ages of 9 to 20. Krishnamurti begins by putting …
J Krishnamurti: What Are You Seeking ?
The answer to the question, ‘What are you Seeking?’, is simple: We want to find truth, God, everlasting peace. The real question, says Krishnamurti, is: ‘Why do you seek at all?’ Knowing conflict, re …
J Krishnamurti: What is Right Action ?
This volume covers talks given in New Zealand, Ojai, New York, South America and Mexico. Krishnamurti begins by stating ‘What we call problems are merely symptoms, which increase and multiply because …
J Krishnamurti: Choiceless Awareness
In this series of commentaries J. Krishnamurti, one of the great thinkers of our time, touches upon many human problems-our hopes, our fears, our illusions, our beliefs, our prejudices-and in the sim …
J Krishnamurti: Commentaries On Living 1
In this series of commentaries J. Krishnamurti, one of the great thinkers of our time, touches upon many human problems-our hopes, our fears, our illusions, our beliefs, our prejudices-and in the sim …
J Krishnamurti: Commentaries On Living 2
In this series of commentaries J. Krishnamurti, one of the great thinkers of our time, touches upon many human problems-our hopes, our fears, our illusions, our beliefs, our prejudices-and in the sim …
J Krishnamurti: Commentaries On Living 3
In this series of commentaries J. Krishnamurti, one of the great thinkers of our time, touches upon many human problems-our hopes, our fears, our illusions, our beliefs, our prejudices-and in the sim …
J Krishnamurti: Action
The passages in this Study Book have been taken directly from Krishnamurti’s talks and books from 1933 through 1967. The compil- ers began by reading all the passages from this period which contained …
J Krishnamurti: Choiceless Awareness
The passages in this Study Book have been taken directly from KThe passages in this Study Book have been taken directly from Krishnamurti’s talks and books from 1933 through 1967. The compilers began …
J Krishnamurti: Relationships
The passages in this Study Book have been taken directly from Krishnamurti’s talks and books from 1933 through 1967. The compil ers began by reading all the passages from this period which contained …
J Krishnamurti: Freedom from the Known
Born in poverty in India, Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) became a leading spiritual and philosophical thinker whose ideas continue to influence us today. George Bernard Shaw declared that he was the …
J Krishnamurti: Flight of the Eagle
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) rose from humble beginnings to become a leading spiritual and philosophical thinker. His works continue to influence thousands of people around the world; Joseph Campbe …
J Krishnamurti: Social Responsibility
In this incredibly penetrating talk, Krishnamurti describes the psychological pressures of life and how these pressures affect right living: We were saying that any form of pressure on the brain affe …