In this inspiring and insightful memoir, Wendel Miser invites you to witness his sudden spiral into mental illness, and his courageous, faithful ascent into a fulfilling and joyous life.
He composed A Valiant Battle: A Journey with Schizophrenia with his brother, James S. Miser, M.D., whose collaboration exemplifies the strong family bonds that lifted Wendel from the depths of despair to many glorious moments that include performing with the National Men’s Chorus at the K...
In this inspiring and insightful memoir, Wendel Miser invites you to witness his sudden spiral into mental illness, and his courageous, faithful ascent into a fulfilling and joyous life.
He composed A Valiant Battle: A Journey with Schizophrenia with his brother, James S. Miser, M.D., whose collaboration exemplifies the strong family bonds that lifted Wendel from the depths of despair to many glorious moments that include performing with the National Men’s Chorus at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
Wendel especially celebrates his wife, Mary, who provides extraordinary dedication, care, and patience over many decades of his healing journey.
Wendel also credits his psychiatrist, Dr. John Maloney, with providing long-term treatments that enabled him to thrive in a successful career as a contract project officer at the United States Environmental Protection Agency in metropolitan Washington, D.C.
Throughout the book, you’ll read how Wendel’s strong Christian faith fuels his mental, physical, and spiritual power to persevere against the odds.
Wendel penned this memoir with the intention of helping readers better understand the realities of mental illness, and to show that those with diagnoses can heal and enjoy fulfilling lives that make positive contributions to the world.
A Valiant Battle: A Journey with Schizophrenia will touch your heart and inspire you with the power of faith, family, and internal fortitude to survive and thrive through life’s toughest battles.