This novel is a sequel about the York family of another James York. Over sixty years had passed since Soaring Eagle With Many Coups disappeared in the Rocky Mountains, and many grandchildren have been born to the York family. One of these children, James York, a great-grandson of Soaring Eagle, has come of age to make a name for himself in his generation. This novel is set in the late 1960s and throughout James York’s life. It’s about his struggles, his battles, his brushes with death. As Soaring Eagle With Many Coups’, spirit guide told him is also true for his great-grandson; ‘You will live long and have many children.’ ’There will be some sadness and some happiness. You will be feared by some and admired by others, and you will have great wealth. Sixty percent of this story is authentic; it is about what I went through or witnessed.
عن المؤلف
I was born on March 23, 1949. I was always interested in the military, especially the Army and Native Americans, from an early age. From a very young age, I would love to roam the mountains and wilderness areas near my home, pretending to fight great battles. My cousin got me interested in using the rifle, knife, and bow, which I enjoyed. In high school, I got practically voted the student who wouldn’t amount to much. After high school, I joined the army. I was in the 101st Airborne, and what was to be more enjoyable to me, a unit called Psyops (Psychological Operations special operations). After the military, I went to college and studied Native American cultures and joined many military organizations. After college, I married and raised four boys; I got addicted to reading books, which led to writing novels.