In the words of author James W. Moore:
When the world takes the wind out of our sails and we feel down and out, we want someone to help us, to reassure us, to encourage us, to deliver us, to save us. We want some word of “good news.” We want someone with love and strength to hold us up and see us through. That is precisely where the Christian faith comes in, and that is precisely what the Christian faith is about.
Sometimes in this life, the world is going to take the wind out of our sails and knock us flat. But even then, we can be courageous because we know that God is always with us and will see us through. As Christians, we have the sure confidence that nothing, not even death, can separate us from God’s presence, God’s care, God’s strength, God’s love, and God’s victory!
So as we deal with the troubles of this world, may God help us to know the courage and faith and blessed assurance that come only from trust in our Lord and Savior, the One who has overcome the world.
This book contains 12 chapters and a discussion guide.
عن المؤلف
James W. Moore (1938–2019) was an acclaimed pastor and ordained elder in The United Methodist Church. He led congregations in Jackson, TN; Shreveport, LA; and Houston, TX. The best-selling author of over 40 books, including Yes, Lord, I Have Sinned, But I Have Several Excellent Excuses, he also served as minister-in-residence at Highland Park United Methodist Church.