Maarten Simons is Professor at the Centre for Philosophy of
Education, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. His research
interests include educational policy, political and social
philosophy and educational theory, with a specific focus on new
modes of governance, globalisation/Europeanization and the public
role of (higher) education and teachers. His recent
publications include The Learning Society from the Perspective
of Governmentality (ed., Blackwell, 2007) and Re-reading
Education Policies: Studying the Policy Agenda of the 21st
Century (ed., 2009).
Jan Masschelein is Professor for Philosophy of Education
at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. His primary areas of
scholarship are educational theory, social and political
philosophy, and critical theory. His research currently focuses on
the “public” role of education (both secondary and higher
education) in the age of networks and on “mapping” and “walking” as
critical research practices. His recent publications include The
Learning Society from the Perspective of Governmentality (ed.,
Blackwell, 2007).
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Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein: Rancière, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy
Rancière, Public Education and the Taming of Democracy introduces the political and educational ideas of Jacques Rancière, a leading philosopher increasingly important in educational theory. In light …
Jan Masschelein & Wolfgang Nieke: Kritik der Pädagogik — Pädagogik als Kritik
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