مؤلف: Jessica Long

Jessica Long is a self-taught hand embroidery artist living in Arizona with her husband, son and three cats. She received a BS in Biology from the University of Puget Sound which she utilized for nearly a decade while working in biotech. While on maternity leave, she picked up hand embroidery as an outlet for her creative spirit. She began to sell her finished work online but found teaching and pattern design to be more rewarding. She is still inspired by the natural world as seen in her floral and animal embroidery designs. Her tutorials and kits can be found on her website.

5 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Jessica Long

Jessica Long: Unsinkable
The top Paralympic swimmer in the world, Jessica Long delivers an inspirational photographic memoir. Born in Siberia with fibular hemimelia, Jessica Long was adopted from a Russian orphanage at thirt …
Peter Lacy & Jessica Long: The Circular Economy Handbook
Can we align global production and consumption systems with sustainability? Can business growth actually lead to a healthier planet? Can companies innovate through the circular economy to create comp …
Jennifer Hicks & Jessica Long: Makerspaces for Adults
This book highlights how to integrate your makerspace within the wider community. Discover how you can connect your makerspace with service learning to support different groups, take makerspace tools …
Jessica Long: Animal Embroidery Workbook
Embroider a menagerie of 30 adorable animals! From a sweet giraffe and a happy cat to a sly little red fox and a friendly hedgehog, Animal Embroidery Workbook features step-by-step instructions and d …
Jessica Long: Embroidering Animals with Color and Texture
If you're looking for new embroidery ideas, Stitching Adorable Animals has them all–in one convenient location. Author Jessica Long shares a treasure trove of patterns, lessons, and charming pr …