He crossed paths with, and connected to other human beings in ways not imagined possible: the driver expecting angels, non-teaching teachers, prostitutes, beach combers, grave diggers, jet pilots, college professor dropouts, Callie’s letter never delivered, the Hells Angel Old Lady, the jade picker, the pink-clogged British Professor of literature striding a remote Mexican beach, the stitch-giving Carmel Bar cocktail waitress, the death defying Mexican bus drivers, a single testicle artist, an escaped prisoner fleeing Mexican Federales, the Los Angeles gay couple, the Canadian youths asked to take a horse in trade for sex with their women, a Humboldt County logger-drug dealer spinning and dancing into the wet Eureka night, forehead sweating, and many more not listed here.
عن المؤلف
Born in Stockton, California in 1937 Jim Hunter arrived in Alaska in 1955 as a young Air Force private and graduated eight years later from San Francisco State University with a degree in Creative Writing. He worked as a pizza cook, prison guard, newspaper reporter, psychiatric technician, substitute teacher, radio announcer and magazine writer before returning to Alaska as a private investigator, pilot, and Arctic Field Representative for Defenders of Wildlife. In 1976 Chronicle Books of San Francisco published his widely acclaimed guide to Mexico’s Baja Peninsula, OFFBEAT BAJA. His first novel, MIKE, CHARLEY & WOLF, was followed by THE BUNNY BOOT JOURNEY. Jim and his wife Marilyn Mount of New Jersey, a retired school counselor, divide their year between homes in Fairbanks, AK and Tucson, AZ.