مؤلف: Jiping Liu

Jiping Liu is a full-time professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, China. He mainly engages in preparation engineering of energetic materials and design of charge structure. He successfully developed the first light temporarily blinded bomb and heavy incendiary in the world, prepared 1, 3-diazido-propane and diazido neopentyl glycol dinitrate, and studied the formula, properties, and detonation characteristics of mononitrate, dinitrate, and mutiplenitrate esters and mixed liquid explosives. Meanwhile, he has finished several national research projects and had two books published about energetic materials. The honors he has earned for his research on energetic materials are listed as follows: In 1979, was selected in Who’s Who in The World of the United States because of developing propellants by extracting cellulose from Juncus effuses as the propellants’ fourth substitute in the world During 1980 and 1983, won the Kunming Military Significant Scientific Achievement Award because of preparation of isooctanehexol hexnitrate In 1991, earned the second prize of National Award for Technological Invention for reusing the retired propellants which brought about nearly $ 2 billion in economic benefits In 1992, won Special Government Allowances of the State Council and was honored as the national young scientist In 1995, got the army research prize of the eighth five-year plan In1996, was named the ministry of education cross-century talents In 2001, got the army research prize of the ninth five-year plan In 2003, earned the second prize of National Award for Technological Invention for my research on light temporarily blinded bombs to be the first person who had won this prize twice In 2005, won the progress prize in science and technology of Ho Leung Ho Lee In 2009, earned the second prize of Beijing technological innovation In 2010, was awarded “Scientific Chinese” person of the year During 2011and 2012,was awarded the grand and the first prize of technological progress by General Chamber of Commerce

3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة Jiping Liu

Jiping Liu: Liquid Explosives
The book drawing on the author’s nearly half a century of energetic materials research experience intends to systematically review the global researches on liquid explosives. The book focuses on the …
Jiping Liu: Nitrate Esters Chemistry and Technology
The idea of this book is to present the up-to-date research results on Nitrate Esters as explosive materials. It covers many aspects including the material structures, nitrating agent, chemical synth …
Jiping Liu & Xiaobo Liu: Deuteride Materials
This is the very first book that offers an up-to-date and comprehensive overview on deuteride. It not only includes the concept, existing forms, key characteristics, but also reviews the preparation …