مؤلف: JoAnn A. Chirico

 Jo Ann Chirico, emerita, received her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh.While originally a doctoral candidate in education, she found that sociology provided the theoreticaltools to analyze the problems she investigated—the coincidence of the global rise ofboth progressive and fundamentalist movements in education, religion, and other dimensions ofsocial life. Intrigued by Emile Durkheim’s pronouncement that individual differentiation wouldproceed to such an extent that all we ultimately would have in common was our humanity, shebegan her study of globalization—the integration of humanity into a social order.Most of her career was at the Beaver campus of Pennsylvania State University, where sheemphasized the importance of research and evidence, the global perspective, and civic engagementin her classes. She has presented workshops on internationalizing the curriculum andengaging students in service learning at conferences over the years.Her previous publications for SAGE include Sociological Research Exercises for the Global Age, a lab manual of mini research exercises for introductory sociology courses, and Globalization:Prospects and Problems.

3 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة JoAnn A. Chirico

JoAnn A. Chirico: Globalization
This groundbreaking text on globalization provides a comprehensive and enlightening overview of globalization issues and topics. Emphasizing the theory and methods that social scientists employ to st …
JoAnn A. Chirico: Sociological Research Exercises for the Global Age
Within the pages of this manual, students become personally involved in research as they learn important analytical, critical thinking, and communication skills, and develop the ability to interpret …
JoAnn A. Chirico: Global Problems, Global Solutions
Global Problems, Global Solutions: Prospects for a Better World  approaches social problems from a global perspective with an emphasis on using one’s sociological imagination. Perfect for instru …