Podiatry: A Psychological Approach provides a problem
and case-based approach to understanding psychological and social
difficulties commonly experienced by clients and presented to
This book is designed to be an introduction to important applied
psychology in clinical practice. The main chapters are organized as
individual patient case studies with relevant psychological theory
attached. Attention is also given to social-psychological issues
pertinent to both newly qualified and experienced podiatric
قائمة المحتويات
About the authors vii
Preface viii
Introduction: Using case-based learning xi
1 The sociology of podiatry as a profession 1
2 Issues faced by newly qualified podiatrists 7
3 The effects of culture on behavioural change 12
4 Autonomy in private practice and the need to undertake
continuous professional development 20
5 Psychological and physical problems faced by middle-aged
pre-menopausal women 24
6 Symptoms of a work-related injury 37
7 Health decision-making based on the theory of reasoned action
8 The psychology of personality, addiction and aggression 52
9 Communication through an interpreter 60
10 The psychological effects of bereavement 67
11 The relationship between socio-economic status and health
12 Working with patients who have a dual diagnosis 81
13 Complex interactions illustrating the need for good
interpersonal and communication skills 88
14 The importance of confidentiality and negotiating informed
consent 95
15 Safety and independence: considerations when dealing with
early-stage dementia 100
16 Professional boundaries 107
17 Homelessness and people with complex needs 115
18 Social factors versusmedical needs 121
19 The importance of positivity 130
20 Adolescence: the development and exploration of the self,
self-esteem and social identity136
21 Behavioural change144
22 The influence of religion and spirituality on health153
23 The effect of the death of a patient162
24 Challenging the current practice in podiatry170
25 Coda 176
References 181
Index 197
عن المؤلف
Dr Anne Mandy is a Reader at the Clinical Research
Centre, School of Health Professions, University of Brighton, UK.
Dr Kevin Lucas is Senior Lecturer in Psychology
Applied to Healthcare, School of Health Professions, University of
Brighton, UK.
Jodie Lucas is a podiatrist working for the Seaview
Project, Southwater Centre, St Leonards on Sea, East Sussex.
Janet Mc Innes is Head of Podiatry, School of Health
Professions, University of Brighton, UK, and Chair of the Society
of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, UK.