Tony Pettyjohn grew up in a textile town, Maple Grove, North Carolina, raised by a good-timing, single mother in the home of an abusive grandfather until sentenced to reform school for stealing a blouse for his mother’s birthday. After release he worked in the cotton mill in Maple Grove, beginning as a cloth boy and rising to foreman until sent to prison for a murder his mother committed. The Loom Fixer explores living and working in a textile town and mill, including life outside, the good times and bad times. A life now gone for good.
عن المؤلف
John Barlow is an attorney who was born and raised in Kannapolis, a mill town much like Maple Grove described in this novel. He has published one other novella, On the Perfume River and Other Stories, on Nook Books and has published several stories in journals and papers. He and his wife live in Oriental, NC.