مؤلف: John Ellington

John Ellington received his B.A. degree from Emory University in 1959 and went on to earn two masters degrees and his Ph D from the University of Wisconsin. He and his wife Jo Ann served as missionaries in Africa for more than three decades after which he taught at Montreat College. They have four children: Mark, Beth, Joseph and Becca as well as nine grandchildren. John in now retired and living in Montreat, North Carolina.

2 كتب إلكترونية بواسطة John Ellington

John Ellington: 2020 Hindsight
This book is the story of a long journey beginning with a short stint as pastor of a small Georgia congregation during the tumultuous transition from segregation to full rights for black people. This …
Roger Omanson & John Ellington: Comentários SBB – 2Coríntios versículo a versículo
O livro de 2Coríntios versículo a versículo. ‘Comentários SBB para exegese e tradução’ é uma série que contém análises dos livros da Bíblia, em sequência, versículo a versículo, com destaque para que …