Savvy–n. Practical know-how.Maya, the premier high-end 3D application, is so powerful thatno one masters it without help. Maya 5 Savvy–athorough update to Maya 4.5 Savvy–is written for the Mayauser looking to boost their skills to the next level.Running throughout this book is a completely new, cohesive, expertly organized animation project that teaches specific Mayaskills and, at the same time, gives you valuable hands-on exposureto the entire animation production process. Staged support filesmean that you can begin and end work on this project anywhere youlike–which in turn means you can read this book cover tocover or use it as a reference, dipping in wherever you needinformation on or practice with specific modeling, animation, andrendering techniques. Everywhere you turn, you’ll find expert adviceon the latest Maya features, time-saving shortcuts, and advancedcapabilities.Coverage includes:* Core Maya: interface briefing, plus planning, writing, andstoryboarding your animation.* Modeling: NURBS, polygons and subdivision surfaces, charactermodeling.* Animation: paths and bones, deformers, binding, Trax, rigidbody dynamics, MEL scripting, particle animation, expression-drivenanimation.* Output: rendering architecture, rendering, shading andtexturing, lighting, special light effects.* Advanced Tools and Techniques: Paint Effects, ramps andvolumes, soft body dynamics, Fluid Effects, Fur, Cloth.Note:CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are notincluded as part of e Book file.
قائمة المحتويات
Foreword.Introduction.PART I: BEFORE YOU BEGIN.Chapter 1: The Maya Interface.Chapter 2: Creating an Animation Story.Chapter 3: Getting Ready for Maya.PART II: MODELING.Chapter 4: Modeling Basics.Chapter 5: NURBS Modeling.Chapter 6: Polygons and Subdivision Surfaces.Chapter 7: Character Modeling.PART III: KEYFRAMED ANIMATION.Chapter 8: Basic Animation.Chapter 9: Deformers and Skeletons: Rigging I.Chapter 10: Binding and Controls: Rigging II.Chapter 11: Character Animation.Chapter 12: Nonlinear Animation Techniques.PART IV: AUTOMATED ANIMATION.Chapter 13: Rigid Body Animation.Chapter 14: Introducing MEL.Chapter 15: Programming with MEL.Chapter 16: Expression-Driven Animation.Chapter 17: Introduction to Particles.Chapter 18: Advanced Particle Animation.PART V: CREATING OUTPUT.Chapter 19: Rendering Basics.Chapter 20: Lighting for Animation.Chapter 21: Texturing For Animation.Chapter 22: Advanced Rendering for Animation.PART VI: ADVANCED TOPICS.Chapter 23: Maya Fur.Chapter 24: Maya Cloth.Chapter 25: Paint Effects.Chapter 26: Fluid Effects.Chapter 27: Compositing and Editing.Index.
عن المؤلف
John Kundert-Gibbs is director of the Master of Digital Production Arts program at Clemson University. Peter Lee runs his own 3D company, Storydale. Dariush Derakhshani is a CGI effects animator with Sight Effects. Eric Kunzendorf is computer chair Electronic Arts Department at the Atlanta College of Art.