Morning Reign is a collection of anointed Christian Poetry penned by the author over the last 40-years. Some poems were written especially for specific friends and acquaintances. Others were the result of special prayer times with God that sparked a thought or unction from the Holy Spirit.
There are over 65 poems on various subjects in several categories including: Comfort, Instruction, Praise, Forgiveness, and more. All poetry is short and to the point being focused to the topic/title of the poem.
The author published Morning Reign as a celebration of his faith and relationship with God. His desire is to see other folks be blessed as they read and fell the anointing that is on the words.
Over 65 Christian poems on various topics suitable for daily devotions, pass a long ministry, witnessing, personal growth.
قائمة المحتويات
Gallery of Anointed Poems
A Highway Called Holiness
A Whisper in The Wind
The Master of The Sea
The Angels Cry, ‘Holy’
Arm’s Length.
Thy Soul To Keep.
Call Upon The Lord
Ask Me Now
For The Joy Set Before Him
The Way Maker
Fragile Flower Red
From Tears To Smiles.
He Is Coming Soon
The Power of His Name.
Holy Spirit.
‘I AM’ There
It Came To Pass.
Little Prisons
The Creation Groans
Our Time of Prayer
Passing Over
Signs of The Times
Rest My Child
See Oh Man
Beyond The Rainbow
Stinking Thinking
In A Twinkle of An Eye
A Rock Higher Than I
The Caveman’s Prayer
The Lighthouse
God’s Little 2 X 4
The Lord Is
The Master’s Love
The Steps of A Good Man
The Pastor And The Master
Two Houses
There is Still Time
With Eagle’s Wings
With Earthen Vessels
The ‘I Don’t Know Scenario
The Wrath of God
Consider The Clock
Is That All There Is?
Portrait of The Damned
With Open Arms
Agreeing With God
I Find Myself In God.
Passing Over
Anger And Fools
Tongues 0f Hell’s Fire
Our Greatest Fan
The Lord Is Greater
Rejoice With Me
Shout The Victory
You’re Going To Be Just Fine
So Listen Up
Winning The Battle
Choose Your Words
I Surender All
The Perfect Man
As A Man Thinks
Wise Men Still Seek Him
Conclusion……’Be A Butterfly’
About The Author
عن المؤلف
John Marinelli is an ordained minister, He has formed and been pastor of one church in Wisconsin and was the pastor of another in Alabama. He has also been a youth minister and evangelism director over the years. John has authored several other books including: ‘Original Story Poems’, ‘The Art of Writing Christian Poetry, ‘ ‘Pulpit Poems, ‘ ‘Moonlight & Mistletoe, ‘ ‘The Mysterious Stranger, ‘ ‘With Eagles Wings, ‘ ‘Mysteries & Miracles, ‘ ‘It Came To Pass, ‘ Why Do The Righteous Suffer, ‘ ‘Believer’s Handbook of Battle Strategies, ‘ ‘An Elephant Named Clyde, ‘ and ‘The End of ‘The World From The Beginning, ‘John is an accomplished Christian poet. He also dabbles in songwriting and writing one act Christian plays. John now lives in north central Florida where he enjoys a retired lifestyle of singing karaoke, playing computer chess, and writing Christian books.More about the author can be obtained by visiting his website at