Set in the late 17th century United States, The Witch of Salem tells an incredible story about the madness of Salem and the history of the times. Cora Waters is the daughter of an indented slave, whose father was captured at the time of the overthrow of the Duke of Monmouth. Together with Charles Stevens of Salem, she is the protagonist of the story, whose main villain is Samuel Parris, the chief actor in the Salem tragedy, a person of fierce ambition that led him to deeds of atrocity unsurpassed. He had scarce a redeeming feature. His religion was hypocrisy, superstition, revenge and bigotry.
عن المؤلف
John R. Musick is an American historical author and poet best known for his 14-volume Columbian Historical Novels. While still a teenager, John Musick had several poems and short stories published. After devoting his full attention and livelihood to writing, he became quite a prolific author. His Columbian series was hailed by world literary critics as a bold step forward in the field of historical fiction as they explored the discovery and growth of North America through the use of fictional characters while paying strict detail to historical accuracy.