FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION, the longest ‘F’ word in the English language, is the habit of estimating something as valueless. This book will help entrepreneurs, side-hustlers and small business owners overcome this common mistake when valuing, pricing and monetizing their products and services. A 15-step value-based pricing canvas will help you understand the value you offer your customers. The four value-based pricing methodologies will make sure you get the price you deserve for the products and services you provide.
قائمة المحتويات
Part I: Why Pricing Matters 3
Chapter 1: Introduction 5
Chapter 2: Pricing Myths 13
Chapter 3: Pricing Methodologies 27
Chapter 4: Value-Based Pricing 41
Part II: Value-Based Pricing Canvas 51
Chapter 5: The Problem 53
Chapter 6: Pricing Principles 57
Chapter 7: Pricing Behaviors 61
Chapter 8: Pricing Processes 67
Chapter 9: Fears 73
Chapter 10: Benefits 79
Chapter 11: Your Appetite for Change 83
Chapter 12: Your Appetite for Risk 87
Chapter 13: Product Value Hierarchy 91
Chapter 14: Your Economic Value 95
Chapter 15: Your Value Proposition 101
Chapter 16: Your Customers 105
Chapter 17: Product Characteristics 109
Chapter 18: Your Competition 113
Chapter 19: Behavioral Economics Hacks 117
Part III: Value-Based Price Points 125
Chapter 20: Establishing Value-Based Price Points 127
Chapter 21: Price Sensitivity Meter 131
Chapter 22: Customer Value Analysis 139
Chapter 23: Economic Value Analysis 147
Chapter 24: Subscriptions 155
Chapter 25: Conclusion 167
عن المؤلف
JON MANNING has vast experience in value-based pricing, gained in technology, and a range of other industries. His career has been a journey through three other pricing methodologies: the mysterious pricing of the oil industry, cost-plus pricing in the catering industry, and dynamic pricing in aviation and other services industries.