قائمة المحتويات
Introduction; José Luís Garcia, Chandrika Kaul, Filipa Subtil and Alexandra Santos.- 1. Narratives of Media and Empire in Comparative Perspective; ...
قائمة المحتويات
Introduction; José Luís Garcia, Chandrika Kaul, Filipa Subtil and Alexandra Santos.- 1. Narratives of Media and Empire in Comparative Perspective; Chandrika Kaul.- 2. An Overview of Colonial Media in the Context of the Portuguese Empire; Antonio Hohlfeldt, Universidade Pontíficia de Porto Alegre, Brazil.- 3. The Languages of the Goan Periodical Press, 1820-1933; Sandra Lobo, Portuguese Centre for Global History, Portugal.- 4. The Ultimatum in the Press: Newspapers, Politics and the Radical Colonial Nationalism in Portugal, 1878-1898; Paulo Jorge Fernandes, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal.- 5. Republicanism and Nationalism in Angola in the Late Nineteenth Century; Cristina Portella Ribeiro, University of Lisbon, Portugal.- 6. The First Stirrings of Anti-Colonial Discourse in the Portuguese Press; José Luís Garcia.- 7. The Press and the Empire in Portuguese Africa, 1842-1926; Isadora Ataíde Fonseca, independent scholar.- 8. Imperial Taboos: Salazarist Censorship in the Portuguese Colonies; Daniel Melo, Portuguese Centre for Global History, Portugal.- 9. Colonization through Broadcasting: Rádio Clube de Moçambique and the Promotion of Portuguese Colonial Policy, 1932-1964; Nélson Ribeiro, Catholic University of Portugal.- 10. The Mise-en-Scène of the Empire: The 1940 Portuguese World Exhibition; Joana Ramalho, Universidade Europeia, Portugal.- 11. The Luso-Tropicalist Message of the Late Portuguese Empire; Cláudia Castelo, University of Lisbon, Portugal.- 12. 4 February 1961: The Inaugural Act of the Colonial War in Angola as Narrated by the Portuguese, British and French Press; Tânia Alves, University of Lisbon, Portugal.- 13. Photography and Propaganda in the Fall of Portuguese Empire: Volkmar Wentzel’s Assignments; Afonso Ramos, independent scholar.- 14. Eusébio: Rising Symbol for a Falling Empire; José Ricardo Carvalheiro, University of Beira Interior, Portugal.- 15. Amilcar Cabral and the Media: Struggle through Words, Images and Sounds; Teresa Duarte Martinho, University of Lisbon, Portugal.- 16. Literature against the Empire: Narratives of the Nation in the Textbook História de Angola and in the Novel Yaka; Alexandra Dias Santos and Filipa Subtil.- 17. East Timor and Portugal: The Ending of Empire in the Media; Rita Ribeiro and João Costa, University of Minho, Portugal.